PDX Transit on iPhone 13 Pro
PDX Transit Logo Splash

for iOS & watchOS

PDX Transit for iOS conveniently provides you with nearby transit stops, arrival times, transit directions, and service alerts using TriMet's open data web API and includes an companion Apple Watch app.

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Nearby Transit Stops & Arrival Times

Nearby Stops & Arrival Times

PDX Transit uses your current location to find nearby TriMet transit stops. Select a transit stop to get arrival times and other details. Siri Shortcuts compatible.

iCloud Bookmarks

iCloud Bookmarks

Bookmark transit stops you frequent most. Bookmarks sync and stay up-to-date automatically across all your macOS, iOS, and watchOS devices.

Service Alerts

Service Alerts

View all service alerts published by TriMet grouped and sorted by transit line. Siri Shortcuts compatible.

Trip Planner

Trip Planner

Get transit directions using Trimet by entering either the Stop ID or an address.

Dark Mode

PDX Transit for Apple Watch

Access nearby transit stops, arrival times, and service alerts all from your wrist. Supports one-way Handoff to your iOS or macOS device & iCloud Bookmarks sync.

Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts

Add a transit stop or a transit line and get arrival times or service alerts (respectively) using a Siri invocation phrase.

Sticker Pack

Sticker Pack

Send friends or family some fun custom-designed Portland related stickers using iMessage.

Ready to give it a try?

Check it out first hand and see what makes PDX Transit an incredibly useful tool for those who use public transit in Portland, Oregon.

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PDX Transit on MacBook Pro

PDX Transit for Macintosh

TriMet arrival times, service alerts, and iCloud-synced Bookmarks on your Mac.
Learn more about PDX Transit for Mac


Get a sneak peek at PDX Transit written in SwiftUI.
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PDX Transit in SwiftUI on iPad Pro.

iPhone, Apple Watch, Siri, iCloud, Handoff, Mac, Macintosh, macOS, and Swift are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
© 2019-2024 Mario A Guzman