PDX Transit on MacBook Air
PDX Transit Logo Splash


PDX Transit in SwiftUI is an experimental project to see how far SwiftUI can go when compared to UIKit. Since SwiftUI is still in its infancy, there are a handfull of missing features from the app. While the SwiftUI version of PDX Transit is not ready for prime time, core functionality was achieved and is currently available via Test Flight. Contact me for a Test Flight build.

Nearby Transit Stops & Arrival Times

Nearby Transit Stops & Arrival Times

PDX Transit uses your current location to find nearby TriMet transit stops. Select a transit stop to get arrival times and other details.

Service Alerts

View all service alerts published by TriMet grouped and sorted by transit line.

Service Alerts

iCloud Bookmarks

iCloud Bookmarks

Bookmark transit stops you frequent most. Bookmarks sync and stay up-to-date automatically across all your macOS, iOS, and watchOS devices.

iPad Split View

SwiftUI makes it far easier to adopt split view on iPad by setting the navigationViewStyle modifier to DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle.

Trip Planner

Ready to give it a try?

Contact me in order to get a Test Flight build invite.

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© 2019-2025 Mario A Guzman